
Published on:

15th May 2024

Making Magic Trailer

Created and hosted by Kate Sloan, Making Magic: How Magic Wand Became the World's Most Famous Vibrator is a limited series featuring interviews with over 30 sex experts, sex educators, shop owners as well as fans of the brand, including Dr. Carol Queen, Zoe Ligon, Hallie Lieberman, Dr. Laurie Mintz, Lynn Comella, Danielle Bezalel, Lorrae Bradbury, Sinclair Sexsmith, Danarama, Stoya, and more. The series tells the unique story of a brand that has over the course of 55+ years, quietly challenged the stigma and shame that society has assigned to female pleasure and connects listeners to the stories of people whose lives have been changed by Magic Wand. 

Throughout the series, Sloan explores numerous themes with guests including why Magic Wand is so beloved, Betty Dodson’s impact on the popularity of the wand, the sex-positive feminist movement, Magic Wand inspired art, the wand’s importance to the LGBTQ+ community, and what's next for wand vibrators, among other topics. 

Tune in May 30th for Episode 1 of Making Magic.

Show artwork for Making Magic

About the Podcast

Making Magic
How the Magic Wand Became the World's Most Famous Vibrator
Arguably the most famous vibrator, Magic Wand has improved the sex lives of millions of people over the past 56 years. More importantly, it has shaped how we think about, talk about, and depict sex more broadly in society. Making Magic, a limited audio series, examines the legacy of Magic Wand and its significant impact on society's acceptance of pleasure. The series connects listeners to the stories of people whose lives have been changed by this vibrator. Magic Wand's illustrious history is told by sex writer and podcaster Kate Sloan and features over 30 sex and relationship experts such as Dr. Carol Queen, Stoya, Zoe Ligon, Hallie Lieberman, Dr. Laurie Mintz, Alice Lovegood, Tristan Taormino, Elle Chase, Tina Horn, Lorrae Bradbury, Danarama, Sexsmith Sinclair, and more.

About your host

Profile picture for Kate Sloan

Kate Sloan

Kate Sloan is a writer and podcaster specializing in sex and kink. She is the author of 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do, which Men’s Health named the “best BDSM book," and 200 Words to Help You Talk About Sexuality & Gender. In addition to creating and hosting Making Magic, she also cohosts the AVN Award-nominated sex podcast The Dildorks, and the game show podcast Question Box. Her writing has appeared in GQ, Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, Glamour, The Cut, MEL Magazine, and more.